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Why Does the Body Need Stem Cells?

Why Does the Body Need Stem Cells?

Stem cells have made a name for themselves in the world of regenerative treatment. Theyโ€™re being used today to help those recover from previously untreatable conditions โ€“ at least in research settings. With so much potential out there in the future, itโ€™s only natural to be curious about stem cells, and their role in our health.

So, what are stems cells? Why does the body need stem cells? Why are they so important?

This guide gets into all the answers.

What are Stem Cells

Stem cell treatments are simple injections of purified stem cells, and, occasionally, a stimulant that works to help kickstart those cells in your body.

What they do, however, is important.

Every adult has multiple different types of stem cells. These cells can become a select number of other cells. For example, stem cells from bone marrow can become red blood cells, white blood cells, or even more bone marrow. It cannot, however, cannot become your nerves or muscles.

An adult stem cell is more limited in terms of what it can become, yes, but it is also far easier to acquire and more ethical as well.

Why Does the Body Need Stem Cells?

If any cell is damaged in your body, or needs to be replaced, then itโ€™s these stem cells that step up to the plate. They work to:

  • Help you grow and develop as you age
  • Repair and regenerate damage
  • Maintain the bodyโ€™s internal balance, otherwise known as homeostasis, by replacing old and damaged cells
  • Help with the development and function of your immune system

Your body does naturally produces more stem cells. However, if you have a chronic condition, serious injury, or ongoing disease, then you may want to consider getting a stem cell treatment. These injections can help treat:

  • Blood cancers
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Chronic pain conditions
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • And more

What are Stem Cell Injections?

Stem cells naturally occur in the body, so you may be wondering what are stem cell injections, and why you would possibly want to use them.

In short, the reason is that you simply want to increase your bodyโ€™s ability to replace damaged cells. More stem cells, the more your body can repair damage.

Are There Different Kinds of Stem Cell Injections?

There are different kinds of stem cells, but unless youโ€™re a part of a research trial youโ€™ll likely only ever have access to adult cells.

Currently, the most important types of stem cells you need to worry about are:

  • Adult Stem Cell: An adult stem cell is sourced form any human thatโ€™s passed the fetus stage and is born. While stem cells arenโ€™t taken from children, a childโ€™s stem cells are still considered to be โ€œadultโ€. The official name of the adult cell is multipotent. This means each stem cell can only become a limited number of cells.
  • Embryonic Stem Cells: Embryonic stem cells, on the other hand, are pluripotent. This means they can become any cell in the human body (which is essential to turn from an egg and a sperm into a fully developed baby). In the United States, the only stem cell of this type thatโ€™s used are donated IVF samples from before 2001.

There is also whatโ€™s known as induced pluripotent stem cells. However, this is still a very new area of research, but if it becomes more affordable and easy to do, itโ€™s sure to become the shining star of regenerative medicine products.

Induced pluripotent cells are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed back into their pluripotent state. This means that all the big benefits that have come out of embryonic stem cell research can be replicated without the ethical concerns (since acquiring the stem cells from an embryo destroys it).

What Kind of Stem Cells Can I Get?

We here at Bioxcellerator only use adult cells. Specifically, we use cells from Whartonโ€™s Jelly. Whartonโ€™s Jelly is a substance that surrounds the umbilical cord. We take donated umbilical cords, extract stem cells from them, and screen, purify, and store them until you are ready to start your treatment plan.

The extra screening and purify is done to make sure that you arenโ€™t inadvertently bringing in new diseases or issues during treatment. It does take time, which is why the stem cell therapy cost can be high for many โ€“ though there are payment plans.

Stem cells from Whartonโ€™s Jelly are currently the best option for treatment. This is because stem cells from that source are actually considered juvenile. They arenโ€™t fully formed like the rest of your stem cells. What theyโ€™re lacking, however, is to your benefit. Since the donated Whartonโ€™s Jelly stem cells donโ€™t have a specific protein on their surface, your body is more likely to accept the new cells, rather than destroy them.

Is Stem Cell Treatment Safe?

Yes, stem cell treatment is very safe. The Food and Drug Administration has even approved its use to treat certain blood cancers like leukemia. The only issue is that, currently, the only stem cell treatment that the FDA regulates is leukemia treatment.

This isnโ€™t because other stem cell treatments are unsafe. Itโ€™s that there isnโ€™t enough evidence of their effectiveness. For that to happen, there needs to be many long-term studies and compared.

Until then, however, you can still get stem cell treatments here in the United States. They are offered as regenerative medicine products in the private market, from clinics like ours.

The FDA regulates how to safely extract, screen, and store stem cells, so we follow their best practices. We even conduct a thorough consultation and only accept you on as a patient if we believe you have a good chance at benefiting our treatment.

All thatโ€™s left is to check the locations we cover, and get in touch with our team. Weโ€™ll be happy to answer any and all questions about stem cells, how they work, how they can help, and what you can expect out of your treatment.

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