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Who Makes a Good Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy is absolutely making its rounds along the celebrity track. Many celebrities today use it to help with things from anti-aging all the way to injury recovery. That being said, not everyone is going to be a good fit for stem cell medical treatment.

After all, every one of us already has our own stem cells. The reason why you would need to get stem cell therapy is if your current set of stem cells isnโ€™t enough, or if you want a boost, to help heal.

Some conditions are also just not a good fit to be treated with stem cell therapy.

So, who makes a good candidate for stem cell therapy? This guide will give you all the answers:

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

To understand this medical treatment, you first need to understand what are stem cells, and what they do.

In general, stem cells are cells that have the potential to become other cells. If your red or white blood cells die, for example, new cells must be replaced. Stem cells can do this.

In general, there are two types of stem cells. The first is embryonic, which is used only in scientific or medical research. The second type are adult cells, sourced from donor adults.

We use umbilical cord blood and Whartonโ€™s jelly as the source of our stem cells because they typically lack a surface protein that can be picked up as a foreign body by the recipientโ€™s and destroyed.

Whatโ€™s in a Stem Cell Injection?

What are stem cell injections made from? Of the two types of stem cells out there, the type youโ€™ll use in treatments are from adults. In cancer treatments, the stem cells might be sourced from your own bone marrow, or a close relatives.

When it comes to regenerative medicine, donor cells are used. These cells are then screened for issues, purified, and then preserved in cryo. Then, when an eligible patient comes by, they are defrosted, and injected directly via a syringe, or with an IV.

Who Makes a Good Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy works by giving your body more stem cells so that those donated cells can replace the damaged tissue. Unless you use your own stem cells (common in bone marrow transplants), you will be using someone elseโ€™s. To help your body accept these cells, we here at Bioxcellerator only use adult cells from Whartonโ€™s Jelly, meaning they lack the surface protein.

Just because we, on our end, work to minimize the chance that your immune system will attack your stem cell injection, however, doesnโ€™t mean that our treatment is perfect for everyone.

So, who is this regenerative medicine for?

Those With Chronic Pain

The ideal candidates for stem cell treatments are those with chronic pain or those with acute pain and improving symptoms has been a struggle. Those with orthopedic conditions like osteoarthritis, cartilage damage, tendon injuries or bone fractures can benefit from stem cell treatment.

Those With Reduced Mobility

Another ideal candidate for stem cell treatments are those with mobility issues. You may have pain and improving your mobility by treating your pain can help you vastly affect your quality of life. For example, those with spinal conditions, especially those without effective treatment options, can benefit.

Those with Acute Injuries

Professional sports stars tend to use stem cell therapy in order to improve healing outcomes with sports injuries. In this case, an injection would be made into the area that needs the stem cells the most, to help your tissue regenerate and recover as much as possible.


Many celebrities today are using stem cell treatments to help them look, but most importantly feel younger. Their goal is to help ease those aches and pains in their joints and help them lead more fulfilling lives as they get older.

How to Make Sure Stem Cell Therapy is Right for You

So you have a condition that has a good chance to be improved with stem cell therapy. Does that mean youโ€™re an ideal candidate? Perhaps โ€“ but first you need to ask yourself if:

Youโ€™ve Tried Traditional Treatments and None Work

Stem cell therapy largely needs to be paid for out of pocket, so itโ€™s in your best interest to try every other treatment option in-hospital first. If you have a chronic or degenerative condition that only get worse, however, then stem cell therapy may just be the treatment you are looking for.

You Have Realistic Expectations

You must understand what stem cell therapy can and cannot do, how long it takes before you start noticing symptoms, and all of the disclaimers that come with them. You will be an ideal candidate only when you go into your treatment with fully realistic expectations. Of course, itโ€™s natural to not know everything! Just put together a list before you appointment and ask all your question with your medical specialist. They are there to help you fully understand your treatment, and potential outcomes.

Ready to Learn More About How Stem Cell Treatments Can Help You?

When you look at stem cell therapy cost, you realize right away it isnโ€™t something to just try out for kicks. You need to be 100% sure that stem cell therapy is right for you, and accept the risks.

Rest easy, however, as we only take on patients if we firmly believe thereโ€™s a very strong chance stem cell treatment will help you. We put your case forward to our team and only if thereโ€™s a consensus that you are a good fit for treatment do we move on to the next step.

If we believe youโ€™re a good fit, you can then ask about payment plans, to help spread the cost of your treatment over a longer period.

So, if stem cell treatments sound right for you, have a look at the locations we cover and get in touch. We will always start with an in-depth consultation, during which time weโ€™re happy and ready to answer any question you have.

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